The Thing About Gun Yoga (Watch)

With all eyes on gun laws and all hearts with the families suffering from the 14 school shootings in the U.S. this year, all minds must carefully consider what is really the best path towards world peace.

While pondering the minutiae of regulations (age and mental health are at the center of the debates here), consider this: Yes, it's true, the modern incarnation of yoga has roots in militaristic performance.

Research shows that the system of vinyasa flow popularized by Godfather Krishnamacharya draws upon gymnastics, wrestling and the calisthenic practices of the British Army.

India, after all was a breeding ground of yogic thought with its complex urban structures that arose pre-Vedic Civilization, with the gentrification that occurred among the Dravidians once the Aryans arrived, and again when the Brits colonised [see how we spelled that there?] the country.

And with yoga being the yoking of secular reality with holy understanding, the blending of such seemingly disparate lifestyles into one powerful method of survival in which all may participate was quite naturally a brilliant idea -- inspired too, of course, by the story of Arjuna the soldier who married some four times and had an existential crisis when faced with having to battle his own cousins.


Further still, the system of smai tawi, yogic practices established in Kemet (ancient Egypt) is an acknowledgement of the three parts of the human experience: "smai," meaning union of the body with the breath, as when a baby draws it's first life independent of the womb; and "tawi," meaning union of man's intellectual higher chakras with the more animalistic lower chakras.

With "tawi," it is understood that mental and emotional stability -- divine intelligence represented by the sky god Heru -- occurs when there is also steadiness among our more basic tendencies towards creativity (procreation, food) and boundaries (shelter, individuality), represented by storm god Set.

The two gods were originally enemies, until we mere mortals came along to personify the brokering of peace (a time otherwise known as "chaos"). It is said, Heru ultimately wins.

So, does it come as a surprise that in 2018 "gun yoga" has become a thing? Not so much. There are modern day police officers who are strapped, and who have begun to practice yoga to unwind from the constant stress of being "on call."

“You want officers or dispatchers to quickly triage a situation for safety and then, from a place of focused intention, find out how to help you navigate your situation,” Sgt. Michelle Hon, who oversees a yoga program for first responders, told The Kansas City Star.

In the moment of encountering an armed criminal, Ofc. Mikki Cassidy, one of the class participants said, "I slowed my heart rate down, stayed calm, and stayed centered."

Still, this video is quite shocking. Gun yoga, according to the Hambone Group, uses donated guns during asana practice to "feel empowered spiritually."

A feeling, perhaps, those considering to arm teachers are hoping to inspire.



The best part about it? It's from a fake news channel.

